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Ms. Augsteen's Literature Circle

Check out the books our "Book Club" type small group!

Our group is an enrichment group! Students are reading above grade level and we are having a blast reading and having discussion over what we read. This group meets daily and within this time most of our time is spend reading, exploring vocabulary and building fluency. Each student is given a role:

1. Questioner/Discussion Director 2. Vocabulary Enricher 3. Travel Tracer 4. Connector ​5. Summarizer 6. Mrs. Augsteen- Facilitator


Books We Read This Year:

Chocolate Fever by Robert Kimmel Smith

Student read the book, discuss and write down the information necessary to complete their tasks as a member of the Literature circle. Each student job is crucial because it prepares them to think and get ready to give a small summary of what they just read.

James and the Giant Peach Illustrated by Lane Smith Written by Roald Dahl

For James and the Giant Peach, I was able to get creative with the vocabulary and have random "Mystery words" that the students had to be on the lookout for while they read. I loved the amount of attention they pay when they have a mystery word to look for. In addition to that, studnets had to say "peach" when they think they found a word. We read by rolling a dice, to determine who our reader was. Once the student was done reading, they would say "Giant Peach" and roll the dice to have another reader start. Check out our Literature Circle video, Job Folders and some images of us enjoying our small group time as we discuss all things literature!

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